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A grand tour of 55 friend-referral programmes

A grand tour of 55 friend-referral programmes

Are you on the search for high points? There are three points to keep in mind:


Referrals increase customer acquisition and engagement in every business.


Each brand and industry has its own Referral Dynamics®, which dictates what will work best for the programme.


Mention Me has helped 450+ global brands with over 4.5 million referrals worth over £1 billion in sales. We've seen a lot of great referral programmes, so it's safe to say we've seen them all.

A grand tour of 55 friend-referral programmes

Brands using a data-driven referral engineering (RE) channel may A/B test by cohort rather than taking a one-size-fits-all strategy to referral. This provides useful information on what resonates with clients and drives them to return.

  1. A single word, design palette, or offer can make the difference between a successful client acquisition effort and one that is disregarded.

    When we talk to marketing teams about referrals, it's usually a topic of interest: "I wonder what that brand does." Now you don't have to wonder any longer.


    We've selected 55 examples from our clients throughout the last year to kick off 2022. Scroll down to see how referrals work (and look) across a variety of industries, from fashion to finance, and gain ideas for your own growth-boosting strategy.

Fashion for Women

We talk about fashion practically every day, from seeking advice on whether to buy those new trainers to asking a friend where their cosy winter coat came from.

As a result, fashion brands are ideal candidates for referral marketing.

This sector, which includes online fashion behemoths like PrettyLittleThing as well as luxury brands like Farfetch, quickly captures buyers' interest with exclusive referral offers. Here are a few instances of brands that are engaging their audiences with on-trend imagery and messaging.
